
Welcome to the Yukon First Nation Self-Government Secretariat’s (YFNSGS) resource website. The YFNSGS is here to assist all Yukon First Nations with a very wide range of tasks, projects and initiatives that relate to self-government.

The YFNSGS website will provide some of the necessary tools and resources to assist with First Nations governance, particularly in an administrative capacity. The site will also provide information on various programs and news to better serve Yukon First Nations.    

Have a glance through this website and you’ll get a better sense of what we have been up to and what’s in store for the future. There are many challenges ahead, but we are confident and enthusiastic that by Working Together Today For our Children Tomorrow we will rise to these challenges and move forward in a good and positive way.




We Are Our Language Conference
Whitehorse, Yukon
March 5, 6, 7, 2013
Registration Deadline is February 28, 2013
Register Now

Spring 2011 Newsletter

Northern Economic Development Agency

SGS Consultation & Accommodation
Community Health Scan Toolkit