
The Yukon First Nation Self Government Secretariat (YFNSGS) was established in 2001 by a Council of Yukon First Nations (CYFN) resolution. The purpose of the YFNSGS is to support Self Governing Yukon First Nations (SGYFN) in areas of common concern relating to the Self Government and the implementation of Final and Self Government Agreements. The YFNSGS is required to serve the needs of the SGYFN directly including those that are not members of CYFN.

Although originally the YFNSGS was overseen by a Chiefs Committee it has since evolved into an entity whose role is coordinating intergovernmental affairs, particularly those matters involving Yukon and the Yukon First Nations. The YFNSGS currently provides support to a number of review and other policy and legislative efforts familiar to all Self Governing First Nations.

While no longer overseen by a Chiefs Committee, since August 2008, the YFNSGS will continue to do all it can to assist in meeting the needs of the Self Governing First Nations by consistently building on the following primary objectives:

  • Developing governance models, methods and tools to support nation-building;
  • Preparedness of First Nations to negotiate;
  • Exploratory and research work as directed by the Yukon Self Governing First Nations, prior to formal negotiations;
  • Communication and consultation requirements, and;
  • Development of constitutions, draft laws and governance structures amongst other transition activities.